They call it PTSD,post tramatic stress disorder.Post because it is in the past, I has altered me,I can't change the thing's that happened.....I am left to deal with the consequences....I am reminded every day, my mind broke, my soul broke,my body broke=but my spirit is getting stronger.....I will forever be sorry for my actions, but my God [it is a medical condtion]....And L[]VE is suppose to be un-conditional, I don't want your pity,just your understanding.....I has alway's been my belief= NEVER SAY,NEVER! I am beginning to understand,my under laying rage.....I've never had any one to protect me,but myself.....such painful reality,so you see that is where that "over my dead body",phase I say comes from= "friend or foe" As my mind,and body heal,and my back is is against the wall......You get the point, you realy find out who your freind's are, when times are tough= Well, I'm learning to live in reality.....I'm sorry to those,that were not strong enough,to share these days with me.....
Let leave the past, in the past= although I've learned, I'm alot stronger, than I ever knew.....
My Family say's " I becoming myself again, who ever that is....I only know,my nightmares are get less, but my body,fail's me at times= I can live with that.......I am becoming,a better person,flaws and all! I still can't fly,but I won't give up! X[]x