In Our Defence - Studio Update
InOurDefenceTV·7 videos,[]n You tube,and Twitter.....[Adult Content]= Request by HarryGET A G[][]GLE+,so I[]D can have live HANG []UT's!
There was a time,when life was a normal as it could be, Yesterday someone as me if I was Christian,and since that is what I considered myself " I replied yes" This person said she was a chrisian,and in front of my face passed judgement on me.....I HEARD A SNAP ,iN MY HEAD,and a dull ache in my heart....It started out I was walking home from the store,with some groeceries,and as I was passing this house on my route home, I asked the man[standing by the curb] if he getting rid of these some what large sheet's of drywall.....He replied yes,I said may I have them,he said yes...I said " God has provided for me once again,I need material to paint on. He loaded them in his trunk,and backed his car up to my door.[three of them] But just before I left, I thanked his wife=The man introduced me ,as a fellow Christian....She said what kind of christian are you,and asked me if I was born again, I replied "I except Jesus,as my savior as a child,He is my father,and I am his child" she sneared,and said she did'nt trust that answer.....[As a child I was ten,my brother was seven,and my baby sister was two yrs old~.And I would get us dressed,and we would wait on the curb,to be be picked up by the Baptist bus......We were the only three white children there...We were Baptisized,down by the river....." I am a child of God, and no one should pass judgement,unless you walked a mile,in my shoes....."I told her,I will pray for her"This is the way ,we would rolled as children= [This is Oh my, Sweet Jesus] like most of my work,it's a ruftake=