~A SH[]UT []UT, to all the SINGLE M[]M's, that are doing it... For themselves, and their Children X[]X~Sister's are doing it for themselve's [Aretha Franklin,Annie Lennox, Diana Ross]
Animal hands are a three piece indie rock band that have been causing a
stir amoungst the tall trees of the Mount Dandenong Ranges.
Playing Electric Chapel
Me playing Electric Chapel. I would do anything to be rocking this onstage with Lady Gaga!!!
And I mean... ANYTHING!
Hope you like it. Any support is appreciated. I'm doing these videos in the hope I can make something amazing happen one day!
If anyone has any tips on how I can get my vids seen by Lady Gaga or anyone who can help please let me know :-)
Many Thanks.
Promise Me Scarlet
New single Daily Friends available on iTunes now! https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/daily-friends-single/id609978323 …
Canton, OH · soundcloud.com/promisemescarl…[]n twitter , You tubeL[]VE M[]THER X[]x