Wednesday, July 31, 2013

~Left to my own (worst nightmare)


Thursday, July 25, 2013

~Jethro Tull~ [L[]C[]M[]TIVE BREATH] "keep your [[]MP[]SURE"

In the shuffelin' madness, []F L[]C[]M[]TIVE BREATH. N[] way to slow down.........He feels the piston scraping.~[[]MP[]SURE~
~"[atches Angels, as they FALL".......
[let's "Call a TRU[E"]~put that sword down, and drop your gaurd.... Keep your C[]MP[]SURE. though they are making it hard.....

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

~Alanis Morissette~[Thank You,frailty]

~THANK Y[]U, frailty. THANK Y[]U, consequence....... THANK Y[]U, thank Y[]U silence....THANK Y[]U, clarity......Thank Y[]U, THANK Y[]U silence~

Monday, July 22, 2013


[S[]METIME's change is PAINFUL! Y[]U know, how I [FEEL]....... It's a new DAWN, it's a new day]

~S[]METIME's,I feel my []WN DEMISE~
STAR's when Y[]U shine, Y[]U know how I feel. [FREED[]M is mine, and I know how I feel.....IT's A NEW DAWN!
~It's a NEW DAY!

Saturday, July 20, 2013

~SATANA= Game of L[]VE/SM[][]TH [Light your light, be a MENT[]R!


~You want a better light,be the better person. []ur lives, can become dim, when there is someone trying to smolder []ur flame....
~We are ,our []WN LIGHT!
~Insanity is doing the same thing, over, and over. And expecting different results~ENJ[]Y THE DANCE![Sending Y[]U Glitter X[]x]

Friday, July 19, 2013

~Talor Swift~ Have a GR8 show in Philly :)

My Sister D, and Super Hero Grandbaby will be there ....Sending You Glitter kisses X[]x****

~And L[]VE ST[]RY,Is Mommy,and Daddy's= L[]VE S[]NG~

[~I may also be found at= Mothersky Dragonfly /Glitter trail X[]x]

~Cry little sister,by Gerard Mc Mann~ [BLUE MAS[ARDE]


Keeping with my Sister,as she guides me back,to the me I was....After walking through a mind field............[]F~A BLUE MAS[ARDE]* In Youth,I molded,and shaped her....Into the same wisdoms I gave to my children.....When are turn up ,on the tree's turn up go home, a storm follows...

Thursday, July 18, 2013

~Let your inner child [SHINE []N ]

~When we stand alone,we are beautiful,as one. Yet when we,find the comfort of our Village,we are breath taking. Let the L[]VE in You, reach to the Heavens. Let yourself reach,to the skies of your potential.

And walk among the flowers,and feel the peace they offer,and wisdon is being told. You just have to quietly listen.......
~In Forgiving ,there is a freedom, and peace......Stand there, in the light. With,Joy,and rubble turns to rust. ~Gold is blinding [Shine []n, PEACE B[]UND*[]N EARTH,as it is IN HEAVEN****X[]x

~Queensryche = Silent Lucity~~~~~~~~[ENERGY]

[Hush now don't cry, Rid the whims of your mind] The Wall' come tumbling down,and a new world will begin....

Had a visitor day, she faded.... Learning to flow with, the energy.
+ I have mentioned my brain is swelled ;)

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Monday, July 15, 2013

~Ben Goossens [photo]~

~W[]RDS~ []f this plain, their weights. D[] N[]T enter the vast hieghts = [WHEN Y[]U GET TO HEAVEN]

~ Bend little willow~"Peace gonna follow"

~Nothings gonna shake your L[]VE, take your L[]VE away...."PEACE G[]NNA F[]LL[]W"~

Sunday, July 14, 2013

~Transition~whispered word's of wisdom" Let it be"~

We are go through times ,when we are in [transition]. The key is to recognize it, for me since the last year. Because I have head trauma, have learned when to be still,and let the gears around me turn....I create ,what " I call a snow day in my world" For me it's the swell in my brain,for you it maybe peer preasure, or task you must complete, whith great comprehension [we all go through transition] *[ I suggest]*
~Your favorite movies,back to back. Your [not allowed to wear out, of the house/clothing gear],and do something,that clears your mind. I clean, and paint~ And those gears will turn, Sometimes life happens~the way it was ment to be~ We have just,let it....
[ Tonights movies were , Overboard, and Brining down the House,hehe...]X[]x

~Motherly Advice#%*!

~Did You know If You stung by a honey bee, the stinger will remain in your skin. The stinker releases a substance that will attract other bees to you.After safely away from, immediatly remove the stinger....A good reaon to keep benadryl in your wallet, just in case ! And epi-pen if your allergic[X[]x]~

Friday, July 12, 2013

~the Ember Days~ [ In Jersey]

~Ember Days~ [Serving their Purpose]

They we be peforming in New Jersey, on July 22nd, We give you more info when , I know for sure....

Thursday, July 11, 2013

~[]NE ST[]NE at a TIME~

A Foundation starts with, one stone at a time....
I hope to one day build Japip Village, one stone at a time....Where we will have live Google+ hang out, and a recording studio~ Today marks one year since my accident, and I am learning to except my life, and my limitations....Back to the drawing board=

~Rage-Innocent~ [Live Wacken 07, with Lingua Mortis]

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

~[]n ,and []n~ Stephen Bishop

Enjoying some tunes,while painting the KAHUNA BROTHERS board~,as life as we know it goes []n,and []n..... For more events, go to Tompizzi on Facebook, for Entertainment

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

~Practicing patience~ [unfinihed works]

~Tiger Lily~
~Morning Glory~
~And Rose,[pastel video] these were practice drawings,and this is one of my un-favorite videos,I always said/ "I will re-do these,and make a better video. Well as it stands, I have not .....I have been de-rail. And out in the world ,are to two unfinihed mutals.I see my spine specialist tomarrow, to arrange to meet the surgeon. As my Pastor says I am subdued, and I surrender my self to God, so he can help me serve my purpose. And finish what I started, one stone at a time,and gives me the strength,and courage to build Jabip Village, for people like me= You are not alone X[]x~un-finished works=Bumpy the frog, written and illitrated/just has'nt been binded into a book [althought there is a ruf- draft video]
~Un-finished mutuls~
[sharing gifts]
[water lillies]
[F[]UR WALLS []F STEEL]~[If your wondering why, there are so many started, it because " I don't believe in wasting paint. And I it was my intention, to get back to them......I am subdued, this accident is teaching me patience X[]x....