Sunday, September 13, 2015

God want's His word heard!

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Florence,and The Machine - Ship to Wreck [enjoy the lyric's ]

 I can't help but pull the Earth around Me, and make My bed.      = ENJOY THE LYRIC's
Most of You know I have PTSD, another med bites the dust. []ne of My grounding techniques is to feel the Earth under My feet........

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

The Church in My SOUL~Schooling the Babies.........

I am where I need to be, has been My practice......And the light that shines within Me, is all the LOVE trying to get []ut!

SCH[][]LING  the BABIES..... When I with My Babies, I try to teach them lessons on LIFE, How to fill Your days with Your heart. And music, associated with life's good memories......To teach them those We love, are kept in Our hearts~ And are always with us. Like a song that can bring back a memory.....                                                                                                                                                      Like Melanie Safka, brand new pair of roller skates. When We are making pancakes, and putting away dishes.......                                       Teaching them of a time of Whoopie  Goldberg, and Oprah Winfrey = A time filled with Happy days, and the color purple..... As You will see with My last~ YET it lights up My soul song...."At the end." And D[] Share with the Children the soul filled sounds of Summer time~ Ella Fitzgerald,and Louis Armstrong. ~And a day is not complete without Billie Holiday ~ Pennies from Heaven " I was Schooling My Sister."= I was taught as a Child about Dianna Ross~ Good Morning Heartache.
And []ne of My Fav's~ See Daddy sinner's have soul too. God is trying to tell You something,Speak to Me Lord.